
Friday, September 27, 2013

Rather Large Cucumber

While I was at the farm harvesting and processing food from the kitchen garden, my own kitchen garden was being ignored. Luckily my neighbor waters because his garden is there too. I asked my daughter to harvest the cucumbers and save them for me in my crisper so I could make pickles, and told her to eat the slicers. When I asked her about them, she said, "I didn't see any." I thought that was completely weird because I knew those 3 vines were still healthy. So when I got back to Boston this is what I found. I said to her "You didn't see this?" as I held it up. Its a foot long. And the picklers where fat and orange.
I brought them back to Westport but never ventured to do anything with them. That cabbage was huge too that we got at the Dartmouth Farmer's Market. I made sauerkraut, coleslaw and slaw salad with it and still had some left over.

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