
Monday, October 13, 2014

Pears for Perry: Pressing

The Work: pressing
They did oxidize and the juice is tasty from the tasty pears(the Angelica di Saonaras were the most complex)and not so much from the Seckles. There is only a pint of juice from them anyway, and it may spoil because of how rotten they were by the time we got to them, but just in case they ferment into something drinkable and can add a good flavor to the finished product we are keeping them in the experiment.
The Work: pressing
This is how its done the old fashioned way, on the farm, in small batches.
The Work: pressing
Compost: The pears crushed and pressed
We started to do a second pressing and it did yield enough more juice to make it worth it.
The product: well so far anyway
Except for a small amount to drink this will be sitting in a cool place under airlock all winter.
The Celebration

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