
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Daily Harvest-Spring! Dandelions

How can anyone pass up this treat? Not only is this color incredible, but the nourishment in this whole plant is really super food status. Dandelion greens are best before the plant flowers, so now is the time to use these vibrant petals. (Flowers? I use the petals because the greens are bitter, but the petals have a very subtle flavor that I chose for dessert, and wine.) One of these becomes...
One of these, and then there is a days work still ahead of me creating...
A bunch of jars of these. 1 cup I used to make these...
Dandelion Petal Cookies! For dessert, or rather tomorrows breakfast, because after our hearty meal...and these to me are a nourishing breakfast sweetened only with coconut palm and maple syrup.
See last years Post May 18 2015 on how I took only the petals from the flowers and made the wine and cookies.
I am trying to make the wine as last without brewers or bakers yeast. But this year with half the petals I am not using honey. I want to see if I can start a ferment with the petals and sugar. I will blog about that in future as things progress positively or negatively. These are very small batches for experimentation, started with a Sun Tea like last year. I do not want to kill any bacteria with boiling water. Wish me Luck.

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