
Sunday, May 15, 2016

Daily Harvest: Asparagus Mushrooms and Rhubarb!

Reaching like trees
We weeded the asparagus and let the guests pick it right before dinner.
So fresh and delicious. Grilled?
We also harvested Shiitake Mushrooms again.
And we bought fiddlehead ferns because we can only get them for a short time and the ones on the farm are NOT edible.
We also picked Rhubarb and Rhubarb Flowers for dessert and to decorate our table.
Paired with Strawberries frozen last year-since its too early for this years crop. It did get a top crust and was super delicious. The rhubarb was soaked for 15 minutes in sugar instead of boiled.
Spring Dessert: Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
Spring Dinner: Grilled asparagus, sauteed fiddlehead ferns, and beef with Shiitake mushroom sauce.

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