
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Bees...replacing bottom boards

Its starting to get cold at night so we needed to replace the screened bottom boards.
We started with the smaller hive and while we were at it we took a peek. It doesnt seem strong enough to make it through the winter. It never built up even though we gave it a frame with queen cells earlier in the summer. We are reluctant to merge it with our stronger hive because they are so full and we dont want to bring a disease. We dont really know whats happening to this hive and why it isnt building up. My feeling is to give them a very small space and feed them and if they dont make it then we should let them go. I am committed to helping bees that can survive this climate in this location. These poor gals dont seem to be doing that.
This hive is completely different and seems to be thriving. It will be much harder to lift it while I replace the board. We are cracking it open here with the hive tool.
I tried to move quickly because it was very heavy.
Jenny was ready with the smoker just in case.
this post: all photos by Lori DeSantis

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