
Monday, November 4, 2013

Making Apple Cider 11/3/13

Remember those apples...(see post Daily Harvest 10/21/13 Apple Picking.) Well Tony has a press and wanted to get together to make apple cider, so even though it was a cold day we brought our apples yesterday to help and be helped in the process.
First we washed the apples, and with ours this was no easy task. Our apples were not sprayed with anything and had a layer of fungus or something coating them.
Coming from a very old tree that had not been pruned, they were also small and each one had to be scrubbed.
These are washed and ready for the press.
First they needed to be milled and ground into a slatted bucket covered with cheese cloth.
Then the full bucket of chopped ground apples is pulled forward to be pressed and another bucket is put under the mill.
Pressing...cider flowing...that tasted really good...tart and sweet with a rich flavor.

Apparently all that hard work washing paid off because the color was good and clear. Thanks everyone! Unfortunately or maybe not, I started concentrating on the work and didnt take more pictures of the process after this. But it was really fun. Simon had some food prepared and the younger crowd made a fire to warm up beside. More people showed up to help and watch and gallons of cider were put in the basement to ferment.

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