
Thursday, October 29, 2015

What to do with too many pumpkins

Have a pumpkin carving party with friends.
We created quite a cast of characters.
The Whole Crew

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Daily Harvest...Squash and Popcorn

A big Ghost(pumpkin) and popcorn
Butternut, pumpkins, scalloped squash and a hybrid acorn/pumpkin
We harvested everything ripe or not because the Woodchuck was now interested
The Ghost Patty Pans(white scalloped squash) were still coming as well as zucchini
and the pumpkins were getting very big

Friday, October 2, 2015


What to do with those large zukes?
Make spaghetti. This is very paleo, but beautiful.
It tasted so good, even before I added the parmesan cheese. I really dont understand why the large zucchini's have a bad rep. I feel they have a more spicy flavor. I know you have to cut out the seeds, which are bigger and said to be bitter, but the volume is still more for bread latkes or pasta.
And what ever happened to that Dandelion wine? Its ready. The perfect compliment to this meal.