
Monday, September 29, 2014

Grapes continued...

Concord grape liqueur...and spiced grape liqueur.
and then we froze the rest of the washed grapes for Ed to make jam with at a later date. I had to go North to work so I brought the unwashed grapes for a fermenting project.
When I arrived I started crushing the grapes, seeds, stems and all.
I kept crushing
and pouring and mixing until...
I filled the container and all the grapes-except those I discarded because they were starting to rot, were gone! Believe it or not I had used all the grapes. Now I just had to stir and wait. Stay tuned in 6 weeks or so to see if this is drinkable or if I need a still to take it further into brandy and then to see if that's drinkable or not. 

You see I dont know what I am doing. It seems the reason Concord Grape wine is sweet is not because it comes out of the ferment that way. It comes out of the ferment bitter and then sweetener is added to get rid of the bitter. But I am willing to experiment, since concord grapes are what we have and I refuse to try to grow a crop that I need to spray fungicides all over just to make the same wine (or worse than) that comes from California.

Next week, I hope, pears.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Grapes and more grapes...

Yesterdays work was deciding what to make with all these grapes, and starting to process them. It may be hard to use them all.
But first most of them had to be washed,
separated from the stems and skins,
We decided to make chutney. Even though both skins and fruit are going to be used,
we needed to separate the fruit and simmer it and push it through a strainer to get the seeds out.
Then we added back the skins spices and vinegar, and we used apples too because we had them, and Voila! Concord Grape Chutney. We tasted it with grass fed lamb and it was superb.

Tomorrow we need to use the rest; we still have 2 and half more containers.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

What to do with yesterdays daily harvest...

We started to process the grapes tonight, but it was late and canning would have taken us into the wee hours. So we will make Chutney and maybe Jam tomorrow. I wanted to also make liqueur and maybe wine or brandy. Lets see what time will allow.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Early in the Fall

Earl early in the fall
Ivy turning scarlet
purple Pokeweed
and Concord Grapes harvested from neighbor's trellises and fields where they grow wild.

Daily Harvest...Picking Grapes

We have tons of concord grapes growing on our property, but they are in the trees and hard to reach.
So when a friend offered/begged us to pick his grapes we decided it would be a lot easier.
Do I know what I am doing and do we know what to make with these?
No, of course not. So check in this weekend and see what happens.
We have at least 3 of these.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Late summer sunset on the river

It started rather mellow
and then deepened
and brightened and even reflected mauve in the opposite direction
then lasted a long time fading slowly.

Late summer walk on the farm and a look at the bees

Midday shadows on the lane way.
Goldenrod, good late summer forage for bees!
Farmer Bill's jerusalem artichoke patch from a distance. The yellows are so prevalent now, and you can see it in the pollen on the bees legs as they come back to the hive.
We are taking a look into the brood chamber. Just after the pictures were taken the bees decided I was an intruder and backed me off. I heeded their warning and they didnt sting me.

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Sourdough crust with topping from the fields and mozzerella from Narragansett Creamery.
Tomatoes basil caramelized onions,
skip the tomatoes add pesto olives and herbs,
Oh so good for a late summer treat.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Daily Harvest from the kitchen garden...Labor Day!

A few more cukes for pickles, a zuke, beets, more beans and some basil,
a bouquet for the table by Jenny and Ezra picked yesterday,
and some purple dragon beans. We will eat these later with a chicken from Skinny Dip Farm and the rest throughout the week since I have to go back to work up North.