
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Honey Bees Arrive

Although we tried to tape these boxes, there were still honey bees flying around the car on the almost 3 hour trip with these bees. Some times 20-30 bees at a time came out of the boxes to scout. We blasted the air conditioner and hoped for the best. They never bothered with us.
But as soon as they arrived they came out to explore.
And just a few hours later they had stained the entrance bringing in pollen.
We had placed them where we would set their hives in the evening so they could get used to their location.
We could see the pollen on their legs when we came back to move the frames to the hives. We think they were foraging on the Multiflora wild roses that grow all along the edge of the field.
New beekeepers suit up
to transfer the bees to their new home.
7 days later they were working on the wine berries.
Along side the bumblebees.

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