
Sunday, March 16, 2014

In the Greenhouse

Sunday morning to the greenhouse for a peak at whats up...
Bill is starting his seedlings for his 2 projects on Ivory Silo Farm. He is growing vegetables to sell to restaurants and he is starting a seed saving project. Check out his facebook page for the seed project.
Bill reflects on his seedlings as his seedlings reflect on him.
And here they are warm and cozy.
Just sprouting and growing
baby onions!
Bill showed us how they sprout folded
and then unfurl and take the seeds with them.
They need a long time in the greenhouse before planting.
Bill demoed his upside down watering technique
to mist yet not disturb the little plants. And then we had to prune the blueberry bushes. But first we had a talk about whether or not to get chickens and if so where to put them.
And so we took a look at a neighbors happy hens.

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