
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Off Hours MassArt Staff Show 2022


Check it out. There is some amazing work in this show made by very talented staff at MassArt. Opening tomorrow and up until January 18th or so 2023. The college is closed between Christmas and New Years Day. My pieces look better in person...

Failure #5 in the Series for Songbirds & Pollinators

Sandscape Experiment #1

Sandscape Experiment #2

In 2020, I read an article about 100,000's of songbirds on their migration falling out of the sky dead from starvation in the mid west. Scientists said the cause of their starvation was due to climate change. I started the Failure series as a way to pay tribute to these birds, who are insectivores and berry eaters, thinking that pesticides used in big AG farming contributed to the loss of their food supply. My work is increasingly about the failure of the human race to live in harmony with each other and the place we still must call home. #5 references #1, a spinning animation toy I am the the Canary. Chemically sensitive since birth, I portend environmental hazards will cause ill health to humans and disaster to our planet. 

The sandscapes I photograph are as ephemeral as our once seemingly stable existence on planet earth. As I come to accept our existence as fragile and temporary, I become exceedingly nostalgic for the present.

Studio Manager Show @ MassArt | Honored to participate

Entering the Gallery

The light in early evening is horizontal
Honored to participate with these amazing artists!
Installation view close ups