
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Midsummers Night

Madeline and I carved the Ghost Pumpkins from last fall finally, for the mid summers night party. NO ROT!
She is quite the young artist and very focused. We could then enjoy the evening.

And the coals burned late into the evening creating their own universe to accompany the conversation.
A Midsummers Night Conversation Between Two Old Friends

Monday, July 18, 2016

Pollinators: Midsummer Flowers

Honeybee on Echinacea
Bumblebee in Echinacea
Blackeyed Susan

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Honey Harvest

It starts dripping on the way to the extractor.
The day was warm so it runs and filters easily.
And as the bees started to find our operation, they started to clean up the sticky mess and reclaim what was left-both honey and wax.
This little bumble bee got a treat out of it too, as well as a few wasps and ants.