
Thursday, May 29, 2014

In the garden late May

The strawberries are blooming
the rhubarb is taking off...soon strawberry rhubarb pie
peas ready to start climbing
the oregano is tasty while so young
and so is asparagus...though its growing and seeding very fast.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

On the farm in late May

The towering black locusts are starting to leaf out. Everything is turning green
and blooming
and thanks to Vince
the shed has a new roof.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Preparing for bees

Ed and his grandsons put together our Warre Hive.
This hive is an extra in case we can catch a swarm or our bees swarm once they arrive.
In this hive bees can build down from these top bars. There is no comb foundation.
At least there is a home ready even if we aren't.