
Monday, April 21, 2014

Daily Harvest from the kitchen garden-wild garlic

Harvested while preparing beds for early plantings
chopped for the evenings meal
of bitter greens, wild garlic and olives on pasta.


In the garden the Rhubarb is growing
So we prepared some beds for early planting-strawberries
and sowing-peas
and mixed greens
and Bill prepared the beds in the fields for his greenhouse plants.

Wildlife-Turkey Buzzards on Buzzards Bay

Sitting in the trees near the farm house
but I got a little too close
and they flew away...

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Cider tasting #1

Well, actually it didn't taste good at all. It had very little taste. This cider when first pressed was sweet and complex, and now it is boring and not appetizing. It is not quite ready, but I dont see it getting much better. Lets hope I am wrong, but I think it should have been blended. Live and learn.

In the greenhouse to harden off the plants

These guys look ready to put in the field...
nice and green
So Wendy and Jeff decided to get them outside for Bill
to harden them off.
Sprout wanted to help...

Saturday, April 19, 2014

the ebb and wane of Spring

The hayfield greening up April 15th
Still ice in the seeder
April 16th
Turkey's in the field today

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Ezra and Jim help with the blueberries

and have a bit of fun levitating shovels.
finishing the mulching
many hands make fast work
my favorite tree is behind the blueberry bushes
Ezra's reward
Jim's reward...for hard work.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

I took a walk with my Love...

at magic hour
down to the river.
We walked on the marsh
as the tide was low
we could walk below the tide line
observing reflections
from the muck
and even from the fallen
amongst tall grasses
we continued to Bob Baker's tree
intensified by the hour
 the brightness and clarity of the light
my love and the history of the river.
Rocks from a field made long ago
an old overturned boat
a weathered dock post

...and then on the way back we heard peepers for the first time this year.

Finally Spring