
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Late summer and always something to do

besides enjoy nature on a Sunday.

At the Farm Stand today...Recipes

Zucchini Latkes

1 large zucchini-halved, then each half quartered(seeds cut out & discarded) and grated
1 onion-chopped
1 or 2 or more cloves of garlic-minced
1 daikon radish(or radish of your choice)-finely chopped
¼ cup(more or less)basil-chopped
9 more or less sage leaves-chopped
1/3 cup of flour-buckwheat, Johny Cake Meal, wheat or flour of your choice
1 egg or just white or yoke(optional-if used add a little more flour. It makes it more like a pancake.)
salt and pepper to your taste
Make thin-ish patties adjusting ingredient levels if needed. Fry in high heat oil of your choice-Sunflower, Grapeseed, Coconut-on medium heat turning when browned. Add a pad of butter to flavor the oil while cooking(optional.)
Tip: Serve with sour cream, butter and salt, or even a little maple syrup.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The birth of the White Scalloped Squash

Peering under the large squash leaves, one sees ghost patty pans in various stages of development.
This one is ready to pick!
However, tis the season to become overloaded with fresh produce. Calls to mind my bereavement over the Town Farm giving up the program that gave jobs to teens growing at and selling vegetables from the huge amazing garden they used to have. What a loss to the town as well as a loss of an amazing concept! In past centuries the property was known as the "poor farm" and it provided food and lodging to those in dire circumstances. If only there was a program to replace this.

As you know if you followed this blog in the spring, there were so many strawberries from our friends Jeff and Wendy's garden that they were begging us to take some. Now its blueberries from Geraldine and Tony and Squash from Ivory Silo, etc. Our freezers are all full of fresh berries and still more are coming. I just heard you can freeze grated zucchini. I guess that is my weekend project.

Our nephew and his fiance were telling us about a program she is starting in Aberdeen Washington called Plant a Row. They are encouraging people to plant a row in their gardens for charity. Imagine food banks with fresh produce as well as canned goods! Here I dont think people even need to plant a row. Imagine a program where people take their overage to a place those in need can come get it from. Or even, a program that employed teens to pick and bring the extra produce to the location. Oh happiness!
And many more to come...

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Now for the rewards of our hard work

Well there is always more to do, but now that we have made a huge mountain of weeds,
and harvested all that was ready or over ready,
and put up or fermented,
and cut and shelled...
...we can enjoy a feast with friends. Chicken bone broth vegetable soup with peas, flat bread with zucchini and caramelized onions, and roasted delicata squash.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Home from Alaska and lots to do in the garden...

This is popcorn. Its the first time I have tried to grow it, and its doing OK.
White Scalloped Squash
This is also new to me this year. Not the Zuke but the Ghost Patty Pan.
This new garden is doing great. I thought we didnt have enough manure or compost, but we came back to quite a lot of growth.
Especially lots of Monster Zukes!
I mean it. I have a lot of Chocolate zucchini bread to make.
Right after we finish making this mountain of weeds.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Oregon Sky

From the passengers seat I saw the light and grabbed the shot to preserve the moment. If only such a thing was possible.