
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Off Hours MassArt Staff Show 2022


Check it out. There is some amazing work in this show made by very talented staff at MassArt. Opening tomorrow and up until January 18th or so 2023. The college is closed between Christmas and New Years Day. My pieces look better in person...

Failure #5 in the Series for Songbirds & Pollinators

Sandscape Experiment #1

Sandscape Experiment #2

In 2020, I read an article about 100,000's of songbirds on their migration falling out of the sky dead from starvation in the mid west. Scientists said the cause of their starvation was due to climate change. I started the Failure series as a way to pay tribute to these birds, who are insectivores and berry eaters, thinking that pesticides used in big AG farming contributed to the loss of their food supply. My work is increasingly about the failure of the human race to live in harmony with each other and the place we still must call home. #5 references #1, a spinning animation toy I am the the Canary. Chemically sensitive since birth, I portend environmental hazards will cause ill health to humans and disaster to our planet. 

The sandscapes I photograph are as ephemeral as our once seemingly stable existence on planet earth. As I come to accept our existence as fragile and temporary, I become exceedingly nostalgic for the present.

Studio Manager Show @ MassArt | Honored to participate

Entering the Gallery

The light in early evening is horizontal
Honored to participate with these amazing artists!
Installation view close ups

Monday, August 22, 2022

Mirage reinvented...

 I had a chance to show at Ivory Silo Farm so I used elements of my immersive installation Mirage, with Paper or Plastic? and spider & fly to create a new installation. A computer generated algorithm sonifies data representing atmospheric carbon dioxide, mixes with wild sound gathered on the farm. The sound of a family staying there is also present in the documentation.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Check out my videos posted to YouTube &...

Circus Mirage's blog 

Jayne Nowek from Nowek News Now talks about voter suppression and wrestles with issues of "Opinion based News."

Check out these production shots here...

Now Ya Nowek!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Upcoming Exhibition at ARC Gallery and Studios in San Francisco February 27-April 3, 2021

I am the Canary (detail)

Moments Here

moments here, so dear
moments here grasped painfully for fear
of future atmosphere
looms ominous

Canary in a Coal Mine

but also, they seek...

flowers bloom and wither
but also, they seek...

Reinvention of the Wheel Failure #1 - 4:  Series for Songbirds and Pollinators

Friday, January 29, 2021

On the Spectrum of Seasons: winter's angle

Twirling Spectrum interrupted briefly

Winter's short days come with long lines of light from angles sometimes difficult to look at directly. I look the other way and thus experience reflections shadows and lovely effects.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

flutter frame still wing - installed

 A butterfly drained of color and stilled. Her migration stunted within the visible frame lines - all that flutters, the movement -  created by camera and scanning technique. Human interference in vulnerable cycles of nature through domination over land for development and food production. The use of chemicals in unsustainable farming practices. Human attempts to fix what they have caused. All are layers of interference demonstrated here by the layers of process this film has gone through to arrive in the gallery. 16mm film processed with chemicals - visible on the film, and transferred to video - leaving artifacts of color, burned to DVD and looped on a TV. We work against ourselves, we sit and watch, while outside some of the fragile wings are still performing miracles, fluttering for 1000s of miles leaving larvae to transform and return.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

evening walk and chores

Milkweed is growing along the edge of the fields. I hope the Monarchs will find it. When I was growing up in Vermont it was everywhere, and we used to take it to a cage to watch the cocoons until they hatch and we could free the butterflies. Last year was the first time I had seen it in a long time. There are no chemicals or mono crops on this farm, but if surrounding farms don't let it grow will ours be enough for them to come?
Also possibly found some more edibles. The pignut tree had baby hickory nuts. Now if we can fight the squirrels for them when they are ripe...
And on the way back, a view up the hayfield of the barn and sky.
Then we had to trim the weeds under these small apple trees. They suffered drought and gypsy moths last year. We will have to give them some tender loving care this summer. But it seems a good year so far for the trees. They have saved up energy for fruit. The old pear and both old apples blossomed.
And the little peach tree has fruit again too.
But good farmers (and workers at a job in my case) make bad gardeners sometimes. The kitchen garden on the farm is being ignored. Maybe tomorrow we can tend to the annuals there.
Solstice light lasted late, but that was all for outside chores. Until tomorrow.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Midsummers Night

Madeline and I carved the Ghost Pumpkins from last fall finally, for the mid summers night party. NO ROT!
She is quite the young artist and very focused. We could then enjoy the evening.

And the coals burned late into the evening creating their own universe to accompany the conversation.
A Midsummers Night Conversation Between Two Old Friends

Monday, July 18, 2016

Pollinators: Midsummer Flowers

Honeybee on Echinacea
Bumblebee in Echinacea
Blackeyed Susan

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Honey Harvest

It starts dripping on the way to the extractor.
The day was warm so it runs and filters easily.
And as the bees started to find our operation, they started to clean up the sticky mess and reclaim what was left-both honey and wax.
This little bumble bee got a treat out of it too, as well as a few wasps and ants.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Ivory Silo Farm Stand

Open Saturday 10-4 and Sunday 11-3! Farmer philosophy, flowers, herbs, greens! with more coming every weekend.

Herbs and Flowers on Ivory Silo Farm

Buckwheat and Oats
We walked down to take a look at the bee hives passing a field resting in cover crops.
After seeing the activity at the hive entrances(its no wonder with all the forage) we couldnt ignore the Sun on the Jeruselum Artichokes and Kiwi poles visible behind.
Bill and Dee 's crops and plants look so healthy.
Snapdragons and more
These flowers were being sold at the farm stand this weekend.
White Clover
This clover reseeds itself and creates a sweet setting for the farm stand as well as more forage. This is where I saw the most bees.
St. Johnswort
Blooming during the longest days of summer for our nerves.
And my Nasturtium and Mint in wait of our lunch salad.